When You Arrive For Service …
… expect to be greeted by smiling faces. Our greeters will be glad to direct you and assist you any way they can. Please take a bulletin for important announcements and upcoming calendar of events!
Prior to service, our congregation will mingle in the auditorium. Feel free to socialize and make yourself at home. Service will begin promptly at 11:00AM, usually with a hymn or familiar chorus.
What to Wear
Connection Point is a multi-generational, multi-cultural church, and clothing styles are reflected accordingly. Wear your best Sunday dress, a three piece suit, or your jeans and a t-shirt. Dress comfortably and modestly, and rest assured you will be neither the best nor the most casually dressed in the building.
The Worship Experience
Our services are comprised of five main elements: Fellowship, Music/Singing, Praying, Giving, Preaching. While we do not have a formal liturgy or order of service, meetings are generally conducted as follows:
Fellowship happens both prior to and following the service. We begin our meetings with a familiar hymn or chorus, followed by a general welcome, a prayer, and two to three additional songs. An opportunity to continue worshiping by the giving of tithes and offerings will follow, after which, Pastor Stan brings a message from God for the congregation and a call to prayer.